Gerardo Manrique de Lara RuizGraduate Student
I am a third-year PhD student of African History. My research centers on the politics of colonial rule in the High Commission Territories of Southern Africa, specifically Botswana and Lesotho. I examine how multiple actors understood and defended diverse notions of sovereignty, representation, and customary law. I also evaluate how these ideas informed and were themselves affected by local conflicts over political control and the distribution of scarce resources, like land and water.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, CIDE (Mexico City), and an MA in African Studies from Yale University.
O.B. Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas CIDE
M.A. Yale University
Research Interests
Colonial Rule
Customary Law
Protectorates in Southern Africa
Dissertation Title