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Paula Purim ManfrediniGraduate Student

I am a Brazilian born in Curitiba, holding a Bachelor's degree in History and a Master's degree in Human Rights. My academic pursuits are deeply rooted in the History of Health, with a particular focus on 20th-century Brazil. My research has concentrated on the impact of hygienist and food policies during the Getúlio Vargas era. Additionally, I am interested in understanding the relationship between the medical profession and broader society. Specifically, I study how physicians often acted as legislators beyond their medical roles, creating regulations that impacted various aspects of life, particularly concerning women and pregnant bodies. My interests extend to diverse historical and social issues across Latin America.


B.A. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
M.A. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Research Interests

History of Brazil
Gender and Health

Dissertation Title

"From Menstruation to Menopause: The Medicalization of Women's Bodies in Early 20th-Century Brazil"

Faculty Advisors

Jeffrey Lesser
Thomas D. Rogers
Kylie M. Smith