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Path to the Ph.D.
- JPE 600 (occurs in August before the fall semester begins)
- HIST 583: Introduction to Advanced Historical Study
- Take two additional graduate seminars
- Language exams/complete 1st language requirement in year one (fall, spring, or summer)
- No Teaching Assistantship
- HIST 584: Research Workshop in History (satisfies 1st year research paper requirement)
- Take two additional graduate seminars
- Complete 1st language requirement in year one (fall, spring, or summer)
- Submit Comprehensive Portfolio Fields Declaration form by spring’s end
- Prepare for your summer pre-dissertation research
- No Teaching Assistantship
- Visit archives to prepare for 2nd year research paper & pre-dissertation research
- Begin developing and reading for at least one comprehensive portfolio field book list
- TATTO 600 workshop (occurs in August before the fall semester begins)
- TATT 605: Teaching Assistantship (1 of 2)
- HIST 786A: Introduction to College Teaching
- HIST 585P: 2nd Year Research Paper (fall or spring)
- Take three graduate seminars[1]
- Complete 2nd language requirement in year two, if applicable (fall, spring, or summer)
- HIST 594R: Internship or TATT 605: Teaching Assistantship (2 of 2)
- HIST 585P: 2nd Year Research Paper (fall or spring)
- Take three graduate seminars[1]
- Complete 2nd language requirement in year two, if applicable (fall, spring, or summer)
- By May, have 3 approved comprehensive portfolio field book lists
- Prepare for your summer pre-dissertation research
- Visit archives to prepare for dissertation prospectus defense
- Continue working on comprehensive portfolio components
- Comprehensive portfolio submission and defense
- Grant-writing
- TATT 610: Teaching Associateship
- Dissertation prospectus defense
- After completing all 3rd year requirements, submit Candidacy & Dissertation Committee forms
- Begin dissertation research/training/writing
- Dissertation research/training/writing
- Dissertation writing
- HIST 790A: Professionalization Seminar (optional for career preparation)
- LGS Advanced Student Fellowship Applications (need an approved dissertation chapter)
- Dissertation writing
- HIST 790B: Professionalization Seminar (optional for career preparation)